MEA Consignment

Aldrich Stamps is constantly looking for consignments for our MEA Auctions. Let us talk to you about our great customer service.

Material Needed

We currently sell U.S. and Worldwide singles and sets. Our sales consist of U.S. and Worldwide material. In addition, we have been long time specialists in U.S. B.O.B. material especially U.S. Revenues.

We are very interested in obtaining consignments of individual U.S. and Worldwide collections. Mint or used, singles, sets or multiples are what our clients are looking for.

Lot Values and Estimates

The minimum estimate lot value is $100.00. Lots with a lower value will be returned to the consignor or grouped for sale in our ABC Auctions where we sell collections, accumulations and balance lots. Larger value lots may be broken down into smaller individual lots to better maximize the overall results of the total consignment.

Each lot will have the current Scott Catalog Value in the description and/or an estimate listed. The catalog values will provide a starting point for the bidder. If a catalog other than Scott is used, we will state so in the description.

The estimates are always done by our staff. Collectively our staff and describers have over 85 years of philatelic knowledge and market experience. These estimates provide our bidders with a professional and informed market evaluation of what we feel a lot will bring in the current market place.

Lot Descriptions

Our staff has over 85 years of philatelic experience in evaluating and writing auction lot descriptions. Our staff is responsible for describing any items consigned to our sales. We do endeavor to include any information the consignor desires to have included in a particular lot description.

Marketing Plan

We do extensive marketing and advertising for each our our Michael E. Aldrich Auctions. Our constantly updated customer database contains thousands of bidders and buyers. We utilize both regular mail and email to notify our buyers of upcoming sales.

We advertise in philatelic publications. We also market each sale on our website and

In addition, we are constantly and aggressively seeking out new bidders via direct mail, stamp shows, national philatelic publications and our retail web stores found on EBAY and HipStamp.

Consignment Fees

The consignment fees for our Michael E. Aldrich Auctions vary slightly depending on the individual consignment. Consignors can expect a fee range of 10-20%. Consignments that require traveling to obtain and ship or those that are exceptionally bulky will tend to have a higher fee. Also, consignments that require an extraordinary amount of staff labor to break down and describe will often have a higher fee.

The fee for high value consignments may be negotiated by the consignor and our firm.

There are no other lotting fees, photography fees or any other costs associated with consignments to our 
Michael E. Aldrich Auctions.

Consignment Payments

Consignors in our Michael E. Aldrich Auctions are paid 60 days after the date of the sale.